Fall Faves
I feel a change in the wind my friends! It’s time for switching from summertime iced coffee to warmer brews. It’s the season of hearing leaves rustling across the ground as a crisp breeze blows across your face. It’s definitely time for the fun of pairing a colorful scarf with a bold colored blazer and your favorite leather boots. And most of all it’s time for fall themed art. As you already know, it’s always spring in my heart and my art definitely reflects that vibe. However, if you are a sweet soul who loves to change your art with the seasons, then these would be my fall print picks for your seasonal walls. Some are new and some are oldies but goodies (circa 2020). The grey backgrounds, the warm yellows and orange hues give off joyful fall energy, don’t you think? Check them out in my Etsy Shop. EnJOY!